Avoid Silly Mistakes by Misinterpretating the Questions. Understand the Question and Answer accordingly.

Carefully Read The Question

Assign a specific time for each question and ensure sufficient time to attempt all questions.

Proper Time Management

Proper Understanding of Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme, and Question Paper Structure to answer accordingly.

Exam Pattern

Write your answer in clear and proper language, does not elaborate the answer unneccesarily.

Use Proper and Clear Language

Before writing the answer firstly check the weightage of question marks then answer accordingly.

Marking Scheme

Use relevant examples to explain the topic and do not go into depth while explaining the answers.

Relevant Example

While answering the question use a neat and clean format and avoid using paragraphs instead of  points.

Use Neat and Clean Format

After completing the exam, review and revise the full answer sheet properly to avoid silly mistakes.

Proper Reviewing

During Exams always stay calm and manage your time effectively to attempt all the answer.

Stay Calm

Practice the Previous Year's Question Paper to familiarize topics and understand the Format.

Previous Year Question Paper