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Process of Selling Ignou BBARIL

In this chapter Process Of Selling we should learn about all the main features regarding selling and understanding the needs and wants of customer.

Important topics in Process of Selling

  • Preparing to Sell
  • Meeting and Greeting Customers
  • Initiating Sales Conversation
  • Identifying Customer Needs and Wants

Preparing to Sell

In today’s retail industry their is the necessary of proper preparation to beat the competition. There are some necessary keep points to remember while selling.

  • Positive Mindset: Customer service plays an important role in every industry. So the customer buying decisions depend on salesperson attitude and commitment. As customer can get same product from any outlet but not getting same service. So customer services plays important role.
  • Knowledge of Products and Company: As the mission, vision and Unique Selling Product matters most while selling. As customer sees the staff as an expert while purchasing. So staff should have proper knowledge regarding products and its company and upgrading themselves accordingly.
  • Knowledge of Company’s Procedure: Staff should have proper knowledge of all the operations procedure with in the companies for example payment policies, return policies, discounts etc. With the proper knowledge it will enhance the customer’s service.

Meeting and Greeting Customers

Meeting and Greeting customers are important while targeting and conversation with customer. Because First impression create an ever lasting impact in customer mind and change the perception of the customer. As in retail every day huge number of customer are step in the outlet, so salesperson should show right amount of enthusiasm in front of customer.

Some of the observation keep in mind while approaching to the customers

  • Checking the size of product by customer.
  • Spending more time by customer in particular section.
  • Looks here there to need your attentions.
  • Looking at the price tags.

The above tells us about the proper way to meet to the customer but here we should understand about the proper ways to greeting the customer.

Salespersons have to greet customer in cheerful and enthusiastic way with the great smile in face. For Example

  • Proper Social Greeting to the customer like Good Morning, Sir/Mam, Have a Nice Day, Thankyou For Shopping.
  • Give Complement to the customer like looking nice in this clothes.
  • Approaching with curiosity like would you like to know today’s special offer?
  • Giving Customer Centric / Benefit approach like giving knowledge of buy two get one free.

Benefits of Proper Greeting of Customer with Eye Contact and Smile

  • We can easily win customer confidence.
  • Customer would like to spend more time in the store.
  • Gain customer satisfaction as well as loyalty.
  • Gain the advantages among the competition.

Initiating Sales Conversation

Their are many standard ways use by Salesperson to interact to the customer, but this will not work every time. So, when the standard methods are not working then we need to know the way of conversation for implementing the sale.

Beginning Sales Conversations

As soon as salesperson seen the customer, within a second sales lost if the interaction with the customer is not in a captivated way. Within no time we lose sale before smile, eye contact or greet the customer so the most powerful way to engage the customer are using of the hooks while conversation.

For Example: If customer ask “Do you have slim fit black colour jeans”, then on that question salesperson reply using hooks should be “Yes, we have many with many Trendy options” in this conversation the Trendy option use is the hook to create the interest in the mind of customer.

Sales Conversation Based on Spotting Sales Opportunities

Some times customer does not have any idea about what to buy or a specific product. As they does not have any additional thoughts so in that case good salesperson should know how to add additional items so that their purpose should be meet and you have sell extra items.

For Example If customer are asking for Thermal Jacket, then salesperson very first understand the need of customer and its purpose. So the salesperson conversation on this question is “Going Abroad?”. This is one of the advance way to understand the behaviour, taste and preference of the customer and then implement accordingly.

Identifying Customer Needs and Wants

In retail industry salesperson plays an important role in increasing the revenue of the organization. So the best salesperson are those who really puts effort in understanding the needs and wants of customer. For understanding the needs of customer the best way is to ask frequent questions and noticing of customer behaviour and suggesting of products. Some customer who have clear cut vision of what to buy, would not like to interfere of others but most of the customer are 50% sure about the product. So here comes the salesperson to understand their need and advice accordingly.

Asking questions by salesperson to customer should be of two types direct questions and indirect questions. In direct question salesperson should directly ask question like “What is your size sir ?” if customer finding his own size. In indirect question salesperson should indirectly ask the preference of the customer like “Is there any doll your child likes” if customer wants to buy doll.

Stated Need and Unstated Need

Their is also the classification of customer’s need that is Stated Need and Unstated Need. Stated Need are those need, where buyer clearly knows what he/she have to buy and want. Unstated Need are those need, where buyer have particular product probably in mind, but not expressed easily because of not having relevant information in mind.

Read More: Customer Service Management Brl-105 Simplified Important Topics Notes.

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